It's Never Over. . .
Red Says: quirky quotable (#19)


Within the last 2 years, I became a Mac convert (100%, BTW) and have been extremely pleased, not only with the products, but with the exemplary customer service... until yesterday when AppleCare didn't seem to Care (sigh). Here's the deal:

After a call to AppleCare Tech Support. I received an email from Apple to fill out a 3d_apple_logo_102customer satisfaction survey:
The first question:
"Was your issue resolved?"
The answer (surprisingly):
A resounding "NO!"

I love Apple and have always been more than satisfied with the care with which they treat their customers. So I was shocked, to say the least, that my concern was not addressed at all. . . This is the polar opposite of the experience I had when I went to the Apple Store and talk to a Mac Genius,  Ryan, at The Genius Bar at the Fifth Avenue Store in NYC. He not only took extra time and special care to insure that he answered all my questions and concerns but did so with every other customer who came in during his shift. And he insured that all my concerns were addressed before he ended our session (I observed this same care by other Mac Geniuses with their customers as well.)

But, because it's not always convenient (quite often not) for me to drag my computer, my hard drive(s), cables etc. down to the Genius Bar AND I do have AppleCare coverage. I thought that my needs would be better served by calling Apple Tech Support. . . how wrong I was. I spoke with "Alex" who told me he was in the Philippines and had to repeatedly explain my issues for which I never got any help.

My issue was not resolved during the call because the AppleCare Tech Representative never answered my question before the call ABRUPTLY ended at 9pm EST (the exact moment when Apple Support hours stop). I felt that he should have completed the call -- even if that meant calling me back to insure that the issue was resolved before the call was considered finished. I'm very disappointed in Apple's customer support and appalled that Apple would allow their customers to be treated with such disregard.

My Question to you, APPLE, is: "Are you going to get back to me in order to resolve this issue?" I hope so, but I shouldn't -- nor do I have the time -- to wait and see.

So now -- at 4am -- because AppleCare telephone support so failed me, I'm packing up all my stuff up to drag down to the store to get the help I pay Apple to recieve in the convenience  of my own home.


I don't like that one bad experience is making my Apple SOUR. Suggestions?



That sucks when you've been so happy--and such an evangelist--for Mac. Seems there's a customer-service disconnect that's making your apple sour (that's so cute!).

Let's hope Apple makes good on its promise and is listening--I can't believe you had to go to the Apple store at 4am! I wonder what customers who don't have an Apple Store do...sigh.

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