Stand Up and be a Woman (Feminine Feminism)
April 01, 2009
Pink and Blue are colors assigned to each sex for identification. Yellow is considered non-sex specific. And I believe that these color work as an accurate metaphor for our beautiful gender differences.
Remember, the poem:
"What are little boys made of?
Snips and snails, and puppy dogs tails
That's what little boys are made of!"
What are little girls made of?
"Sugar and spice and all things nice
That's what little girls are made of!"
Blue is masculine, pink is feminine. We all know this, so why do women think they have to be more “Blue” to get fair treatment.
Too many times, women take on masculine traits, and use “non-gender specific” words to describe themselves, in order to lessen the differences between the sexes. Stop it, GIRLS!
When we do this, we disregard the special insights and qualities we have solely because we are females.
By doing this we women are subscribing to the myth that men are more valuable than women. Instead of recognize our natural gifts and value as women. And it only perpetuates the silly idea that men have more value than women; which, incidentally is a most chauvinistic stance.
Ladies, please, stop adding credence to a long history of societal double standard of valuing men over women; stop devaluing - being female.
Women…let’s not forget that we are feminine by nature. Just like the girls in the poem. Knowing and celebrating this makes us more powerful than...well, just more powerful.
We women are raised to be more malleable so we're more able to adjust to things. But adjusting does not mean we forgo our women-ness to get recognition or to be “treated fairly." Are we treating ourselves fairly then? Are we really getting what we want? Aren’t we becoming something else and therefore, not being true? So, don’t try to be a man, if you’re a woman!
If we stayed true to our feminine ways, and all the girlie things that are inherent to being female, then (and only then) do we value who and what we are.
Be a woman – proudly and loudly. We’re more commanding as women, than as androgynous creatures, trust me!
Treat yourselves (and the rest of us girls) with respect:
DON’T try to lessen the gender difference. Exaggerate it!
Men will appreciate us more if we do!!
And so will we!
So come on Ladies, "Stand up and be a Woman!"