Red Easter Bunny
There are worse things I could do...

Healthcare Reform...Red Style!

Everyone is sick of healthcare... get the irony!?! 

So...let Me take your vital signs...are you feeling anything? (wink, wink)

I have to be honest with you, with all the talk over the past year, and especially last month, about healthcare reform - I don't really understand what it is, what was decided, or who benefits from it -- or if it's really going to make anyone more healthy here in our great country.

Apparently, it's all very interesting (and by interesting, I mean boring), but it's really health insurance reform - lowering insurance premiums, and taxes related to medical costs, etc. etc. The government has a vlog that you can check to get all the latest updates on the new healthcare program.

RED NURSE 2On their site, they review such issues as how the new bill will create new consumer friendly health care and affordable health coverage. It'll impact health insurance for the individual, family and business by reducing premiums and creating a new competitive health insurance market; and how it will make criminals out of insurance companies who deny coverage based on preexisting medical problems.  Most insurance companies may not turn out to be criminals... but they are (under this new act) required to stop with the arbitrary increases in premiums.

But I think the videos on their site would have captured the audience attention more if they were in the form of a music video - like MTV...(stay tuned to Red's World for upcoming music videos by Red)

One thing I know for sure is that if I'd been elected President, there would have been some real reform - because I would have taken your "health" into my hands and take a very personal interest in it. That's right, Red would have taken care of you... It's more fun that way.

After all a "healthy" life is a fun life!


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