Red Says: quirky quotable (#73)
Red Says: quirky quotable (#74)

A Gay Summer: wedding bells ring

We all want equality in a world that is often unfair. But we, especially as Americans, feel strongly about our right to live freely and happily...even gay-ly. But it has never been an easy task to insure that we all have our freedoms and rights upheld. So we speak out and let it be known. Because if we can move people, we can move the world! And that's what the Gay movement for equality is doing. So, when we see movement come from our efforts, we need to celebrate it and to know that we all have a stake in making this world (and our country) a better place for all of us to live and love.

On November 15, 2008 hundreds of thousands of people -- gay and strait, black, red, yellow and white, christian and non-christian -- came together to make a statement about the passing of California's Proposition 8, which limited the definition of marriage in California law to only those unions between opposite-sex partners. Thus, nullifying the headway that Gays (and lovers of Gays) had made in having same-sex marriages deemed a constitutional right, just 6 months earlier. I stood up with/for all of those who believe that everyone has the right to live how we chose, and love who we do, without restrictions imposed on us because of our differences (Watch Video).

With U.S. District Judge in Massachusetts ruling the (Defense of Marriage Act of 1996) DOMA unconstitutional, in July coupled with the decision last week of the U.S. District Court in California to overturn Prop 8 as unconstitutional, things seem to be, once again, moving towards equality. 

But this is not over, these rulings will almost certainly go on the U.S. Supreme Court for finally determination. Still, these are the battles that can win the war for equal rights. Just as it took many decades to get women the right to vote and to outlaw of racial discrimination, the fight for Gay rights is still in it's adolescence, but it is gratifying to see that the tides are beginning to turn. There is a change in mindset which is rippling across America and this trend towards true equality will ultimately impact all of us who have been oppressed or denied rights.  

Thanks God for the Gays.

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