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Red Says: quirky quotable (#90)

Jason Nabeta: my friend, my angel, my love

In the summer of 2000, Jason Nabeta was taken from my life - far too early, and so unexpectedly.  Our relationship will always be an unfinishable story in my life. One I'll never be able to completely come to terms with. Nothing can change this truth, no matter how much time passes.

When he died, I was away. Far from him and our home in New York City. Alone in a way I'd never been before, I was empty, numb, angry and frightened. Not only did I lose my best friend, my love and my joy, I also lost the chance to say goodbye with others who had known him at AMDA, where Jason and I had spent so much of our time, our life together.

Though I had my own private memorial in my apartment with our closest friends, missing his AMDA memorial has always a source of additional sadness for me. Now, thirteen years later, because my dear friend Ben Caron posted this Video, we can share the service where I longed to be when I first knew Jasone was gone.

For Jason, I will always be grateful.

To read more go to: All Posts Jason.

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